ACL Festival and autism–Do they mix?

I know that ACL is technically ADA compliant, but does that mean that people with disabilities can enjoy themselves? I went to the Austin City Limits concert last weekend and it was amazing. In addition to seeing Fun. and Vampire Weekend, my secret mission was to determine if my son with autism could attend. He loves music and he loves spectacle, but I wondered if he could manage the crowds.

My initial diagnosis–no. I don’t see how he could handle the crowds. I hadn’t been in 10 years, and the throngs had grown from 30,000 to 75,000. Shockingly, most everyone there was pretty chill, so it wasn’t the type of people that I thought he could not manage, it was just sheer numbers. I thought “This is a really mellow 75,000 people, not crazy, just jam packed.” But, still 75,000 people.

I’m bummed he cannot manage it because I think he’d LOVE it. He would just be jamming out and loving life.

What are other people’s experiences with the ACL Festival and autism? With ACL and disabilities? Do they mix?